how to train your dog to stay home alone without a crate

 Leave your dog alone at home: You, like many people, may not be very available during the day for your dog. Your days can be busy! But not your dog's! And yes, Medor is waiting for you all day! Maybe he even does stupid things to keep you busy. What if you could change that? What if your dog's day gets fuller at the end? Want some hints? Read this article!

1 / Teach him to remain alone

Obviously, your dog needs to learn to be alone. It is indeed unnatural for him to be alone, because it is a source of stress, boredom and even danger. An additional dog companion is not always a solution, as they can get bored together. Here are the most important steps to teach your dog to be alone.

- Don't leave him alone overnight. Teach him gradually.

- Balance the signs and rituals of your departure. Also make "false starts". Grab your car keys, put on your coat and sit on your couch to watch TV. Or without warning, without putting on your shoes, leave your house! The goal is to banalize his rituals, break them so that they are no longer a source of stress for your dog.

- Fill his daily starting need! Even if you have a garden. In fact, a dog must go out for at least half an hour each day to fulfill its need for exploration, sniffing and communication as much as possible. This is what tires him and makes him feel good. A dog that is good in his paws does not stress when his master leaves. 

- Give him something to take care of all day! Bite toys in different textures (plush, tug, hard toys), professional toys (such as toys where you can stuff food / treats, such as the brand Kong). Its toys should not be available to your dog if they are present, allowing you to keep your dog's interest when they are gone. It is therefore advisable to leave it available on your departure and get everything back on your return. 

To learn more about boredom, here is an accompanying article: Boredom in dogs.

2 / ideal weather 

Now the ethical question arises. How long can we leave our dogs alone at home?

First, I think that this time can vary according to so many criteria that it is actually difficult to define a time. Because its criteria can vary depending on age, be it a puppy, an adult or an old dog. But it will also change, depending on the emotional state of your dog. Depending on where it comes from, it is accustomed to being alone, or it is used to the environment in which you come out of it (if you are on holiday in an unknown place for example). Therefore, it is important to teach your dog to stay alone and above all to generalize this learning as much as possible. 

Despite all this, I think that a dog should not be left for more than one area between 4 and 6 o'clock in the morning. You should keep in mind that during this time, your dog will usually not be able to do his business as he wants. He has to be careful that he fills his day. Imagine being locked up in a house that has nothing to do for a whole day, without the opportunity to relieve yourself, without being able to take care of you, all your life. This is what most of our domestic dogs go to their death. However, there are other solutions.

3 / call a Babysitter 

In order not to let your dog get bored at home alone, there are solutions such as a dog sitter or a pet session. A dog sitter is someone who can come to take care of your dog while you are away, either during the day or even for several days. This person comes to play with your dog and especially the walk. Depending on the duration of their absence, this person can also feed the dog, take care of him, in short, take care of him as if he were his own dog. The principle is therefore very easy to set up.

A dog sitter can be found around you, otherwise there are professional companies that specialize in the search for a good animal caretaker.

4 / Advantages of using a dog sitter

The advantages are numerous, especially for your dog, but also for you. Let's list these benefits together to see it more clearly:

- Your dog will not be bored during the day

- A dog that is not bored, does not destroy, bark or defecate around the house

- This makes it possible to tire him in the best possible way (games, walks)

- They offer him social contact with other people and sometimes even with other dogs.

- If your dog is hyper-bound, he will learn that it is not stressful to see you walk as he will have company during the day.

- If your dog is good in his paws, you will be relieved for him. Your relationship will only be calmer and stronger.

5 / Pay attention to the needs of the dog

Teaching the dog to be alone is one thing. This ability to be alone should never be an excuse for not caring for your dog. A dog needs time to live well, because he is a sociable animal that is totally dependent on us. 

Each dog has its own needs. But we can quote:

Physical spending needs. Walk outside the garden daily.

Mental Expenditure Needs. The dog lives above all in a world of fragrance. He has to use his nose. Discover 10 Free Activities with your Dog here: 10 Activities to stimulate your dog .

He needs to feel safe at home 

Be able to expand your social circle or meet other dogs from time to time.

These are examples of adapting to your dog.

Conclusion: Your dog can learn to be alone, from a puppy. But it is a learning to begin and not something you need to impose overnight. That's why we need to set up the learning process so that it works as well as possible. It is not best to impose loneliness on your dog overnight to avoid unwanted behavioral problems.

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