Can dogs sense if you don't like them

 I don't like my dog, love your dog should be obvious, and for many owners. However, it sometimes happens that people cannot tie themselves to their dogs. The link is then very difficult to create. It is a taboo subject, but it is a reality. Far from making its masters evil people, this situation brings us back to our human condition. We too, our desires, our feelings, our ideas can lead to a blockage that prevents us from loving. As a professional and dog owner, I am always very sad when a customer says to me: "I don't like my dog.”

Expectations: take a dog

Many people do not know how much work and sacrifice are required to get a dog, or how many new problems come with. Most teachers will be able to overcome the problems. But sometimes our expectations are not fulfilled, our ideas do not correspond to what we imagined.

If our hopes for life fly with a dog what remains? It remains a harsh reality. Surviving the disillusionment is a difficult test. In these cases, disillusionment sets in. It is a bitter poison that will affect every human being in a different way. This can lead to emotional blockage and prevent us from accepting the other as he is and to love him.

Fear and lack of confidence in ourselves, in our abilities, can trigger an emotional blockage, from which we will not get out. We will be ashamed when it comes to the dog. Pessimism then penetrates us and prevents us from progressing. Some people will quickly think "I don't like my dog". This is often a shortcut, because if this were the case, the dog would not be abandoned. It's more of a relationship that needs to thrive.

Why I don't like my dog 

The answers can be different, as each case is unique. But, here are the reasons that come up most often:

After the death of another animal, we try in vain to make a Transfer. However, every dog is different. Therefore, it is important to give every animal in the house a unique place.

You have a picture of what your dog would be, but it does not fit. For example, they dreamed of a cuddly dog, but he does not like them at all. It leads a corner between them with each passing day.

You wanted a particular dog, but they fell in love with another dog out of spite. Yes, it is done. This is often a wrong decision, as it is made under the influence of emotions and very often without any real reflection.

You do not understand your dog, which leads to many misunderstandings. This situation leads to the dog behaving in a way that the owner does not like. The relationship is deteriorating.

What if I don't like my dog?

Again, a solution can work for one dog guide duo and not for another, as each case is unique. But, here are some tips / hints to improve your situation:

Accept that we are human beings. Our emotions are not always under control, but some situations can improve.

Know how to let go. This is a very important thing in my opinion. We have to give up our idea of the dog. To finally accept it as it is. An imperfect being, like all of us. It is also a dog, an opportunistic animal, to adapt its behavior to what we offer.

Get help. You can hire a dog trainer who works friendly with dogs. 

Trust your dog. You can also take time for yourself by handing your dog over to friends, family or even a professional for an hour or even a week. Do not give up, but let yourself and the dog breathe. I remind you that a dog is an emotional sponge. If you are not good in his presence, it will not be better.

Note the positive points every day so that you do not focus on what is wrong. You can write things like" he has nice eyes "or"he came to sit and waited next to me".

Sometimes it will be necessary to take the dog to another family so that he can find peace again. But be careful, this should only be done after you have tried to build a good relationship with your dog and it proved impossible. In fact, some dogs cannot live in the environment that their family offers them. It is therefore important for his own good to find a new place to live.

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