my dog doesn't like strangers in the house

 Your dog does not like to go to strangers! Here's something that really annoys you because your dog doesn't seem to really like the contact! Shouldn't he like to stroke-like any "good dog"? Is there a problem with it? And above all, how do you help him to love strangers?

My dog does not like to go to strangers 

The sociable pet dog

The sociable character of a good family dog is often highlighted when it comes to a well-balanced dog. We say that an animal is sociable if it can organize itself socially with several individuals. In addition, the dog must be able to:

organize sustainably in groups of individuals

that he can communicate without problems 

and that he can also work with individuals without looking for conflicts

Therefore, it is often natural to think and expect the family dog to be sociable with everyone. However, it is more complicated than that! Here's what you should know if your dog doesn't like to hang out with strangers.


The dog is not a pet clinic. Yes, he has the right to be an introvert or not to receive caresses or requests from other people. In fact, he does not even like to come into contact with his master.

Every dog is different, but it's true that most dogs don't really like to pet. You will find his contacts very pushy! On the other hand, dogs are very tolerant and that is also what makes them accept contact with close people.

No wonder then that many dogs do not like to be in contact with strangers. And at the same time, you want strangers to kiss you?

Now your dog's behavior towards strangers will vary depending on many things. Here are some ideas related to his behavior:

the behavior varies depending on the individual himself. That is, it takes into account not only his experience but also his genetics

from the environment in which it is located at the moment T

from his emotional state

and if he is healthy.

The behavior can therefore be innate, acquired, conscious, unconscious, automatic, voluntary, or involuntary.

Learning and genetics

You will understand a dog does not have to love people naturally. Everything is a question of learning, but also of genetics.

For example, we need to socialize the dog as early as possible (from the first weeks of life) so that it connects people with something positive and harmless. It is the duty of the breeder and the owner to continue this training in order to avoid becoming an aggressive reactive dog in the future.

Learning is also about protecting the dog from the puppy if he does not trust the human. For example, you should not force a dog that does not want to say hello or does not want to be petted. This is the best way to get a dog that becomes suspicious of people, and worse, who might be afraid of them and attack them if they feel cornered! Nor should it be immersed in a group of people, as is sometimes suggested by dog trainers or clubs, because the consequences will be the same as before. It is then necessary to know what the calming signals of the dog are, so as not to be in error. They can help you recognize your dog's approval with this infographic.

Bad learning can happen despite us, as a result of a trauma the dog has experienced. A person who would have frightened or hurt him. The dog will connect anyone with someone who is potentially dangerous. Therefore, it is important to make controlled and always positive encounters.

Nonexistent or misadjusted learning can lead to this type of behavior. Dogs leaving pet shops are often in this case. In fact, the first months of your life will not have been sufficiently stimulated to cope with the arrival of strangers pleasantly. You can also find the same kind of behavior in dogs that come from French laboratories.

But genetics can also guide certain behaviors, such as the hunting instinct, but also the defense or even the distrust of strangers. Some dog breeds, such as border collies or even Czech wolfhounds and plates, can beware of strangers or people outside their close family circle. It is somehow written in part in their genetic code. It may even be that a puppy, he seems to accept strangers, eventually, grow up really suspicious of them.

How to help your dog

The first thing to do to help your dog is never to force contact with people. This is a top priority if you don't want the dog to feel cornered to end up biting.

The second thing will be to make the contact positive. To do this, the dog must gain trust in the unknown. We can go through different exercises like:

ask strangers to throw your dog very pleasant treats

strangers or strangers can simply ignore the dog and walk with them

at home, we can offer our guests to give treats or throw the dog a toy to relax him

we can also ask people to walk the dog for us

To do this, you may need the help of a professional dog behavioralist educator. In any case, the work will be done gradually. You can also give bach flower supplements to help your dog.

The word of the end

If it is a behavioral problem that prevents him from living or walking quietly, it is important to get help from a professional who respects the dog.

You also need to watch your dog to find out if this inability to accept strangers is driving him to aggression.

Finally, do not worry. If your dog does not like going out with strangers, it is not inevitable, maybe it's his personality. As long as it is not a phobia, then you can respect your dog's choice.

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