Is Australian shepherd a good family dog?- AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD

At the top of the most popular dogs in France for several years, the Australian Shepherd has not stolen his titles of nobility. Feared worker, tireless playmate, he seduced with his character, his intelligence and his gentleness. Medium-sized dog, ideal for families with children, the Australian Shepherd is nevertheless a dog that needs to exercise to be good in his head.

A bit of history

Contrary to what the name suggests, the Australian Shepherd is not native to Australia. He would rather have been born in the Basque Country, in Spain, and then gone to the United States than have shepherds emigrated there. Thus, these effective and courageous dogs were used in the Rocky Mountains before breeders in Colorado investigated the breed to attract rich Californian shepherds.

Why is this Australian Shepherd dog, and not American Shepherd? Nothing is less certain, but one theory seems to have won the favor of some specialists. The Australian Shepherd was used to keep herds of sheep imported from Australia. For others, the origin of the name is in the merle color: with the arrival of many merle dogs from Australia, the color as a whole was associated with this country.

The breed reappears in France in the 80s, and the success that has not been denied since is there. The Société Centrale Canine recognized its provisional standard in 1996 and its final standard in 2007. If the Australian Shepherd remains highly appreciated for his qualities as a herd leader, he makes a wonderful companion dog that many families love.

Physical Properties

Body: the Australian Shepherd is a medium to large dog of medium stature. His body, with a harmonious musculature, is slightly longer than he is tall. It is a light and agile breed that was built for work.

Head: the proportions are perfectly matched with the rest of the body. The top of the skull is flat or slightly arched, with moderate support. In blue merle and black Australian Shepherds, the nose is black. It is brown in the Australian Red Shepherds and merle.

Ears: triangular, hanging and firmly attached to the top of the head. They move to the side or forward when the dog is looking.

Eyes: the Australian Shepherd can have wall eyes (eyes of different colors) or particolor eyes (several colors in one eye). The most common colors are blue, brown or amber. The eyes are almond-shaped.

Tail: the tail of the Australian Shepherd is at most 10 cm long. 

Coat: the coat is of medium length, slightly wavy or stiff. The Australian Shepherd also has an undercoat that varies with the seasons.

Color: the Standard accepts multiple colors for the coat: black, red, blue merle, red merle. Within these colors there are also several variants. Thus, black can be tricolored (black, beige, white), bicolored (black and white, black and fire) or monochrome. Red can also be tricolour (red, brown, white), bicolour (red and white, red and beige) or monochrome. The same goes for shit blue or merle red, which have three-tone, two-tone or one-color variations.


The Australian Shepherd is not the most popular dog in France for free. His character has conquered many families, and with good reason. The friendly and curious Australian Shepherd is a dog without aggression. Very gentle, sociable, he gets along very well with children and other pets - provided that he was properly educated during his youth. Without aggressiveness, he usually gets along very well with his fellows.

As a small barking man by nature and good obedience, he remains above all a shepherd with a strong instinct to protect the herd. He is rather reserved with strangers without being shy, but is particularly expansive, and funny with his family. He is not a watchdog by nature, but he can intervene when he feels his family is in danger. Known for his intelligence, he learns easily, provided he can show patience and meekness.

The Australian Shepherd is also loving and very close to his Lord and must be able to enjoy a special relationship with him. Apart from that, this dog could very quickly develop separation anxiety and problematic destructive behavior.


The average life expectancy of the Australian Shepherd is 13 years. Unfortunately, the great popularity of the breed has led sometimes to some unscrupulous breeders neglect their health, and today, the Australian Shepherd is affected by several problems, of which it is absolutely necessary to be aware of.

The Australian Shepherd is particularly susceptible to eye diseases . However, the screenings allow to prevent this. Your breeder must also provide you with a certificate of good eye health of the animal. So carefully choose your Australian Shepherd breeding to contact a serious professional. 

The Australian Shepherd can also suffer from congenital genetic problems. This applies in particular to deafness, persistence of the ductus arteriosus or MDR1, drug sensitivity caused by a genetic mutation.

After all, the breed is not spared from hip dysplasia, which affects both large and medium-sized dogs . 

Living conditions

It should be said: the Australian Shepherd is not really suitable to live in an apartment. In fact, this always moving dog must be able to walk and train at will. So it could get tight very quickly, even if it could possibly adapt if it is out often and for a long time. The ideal habitat for this shepherd remains a house in the countryside, with a large plot.

The Australian Shepherd is an energetic dog. Easily count one to two hours of intense activity each day. Otherwise, your dog would quickly sink into boredom and depression. Remember that an animal does not have to adapt to your lifestyle: instead, choose a breed that already fits your own.

The Australian Shepherd can live perfectly with other animals. As a shepherd, he lacks the hunting instinct and is more likely to be seen watching his family members than a herd. However, do not neglect its socialization.


The reputation of the Australian Shepherd in terms of intelligence is well established. The Australian Shepherd is considered one of the smartest breeds in the world and is an easy to train dog and perfect for the first adoption.

However, these provisions should not relieve you from providing him with sound learning and comprehensive socialization at a young age. Like all dogs, the Australian Shepherd needs a defined framework to develop calmly in his family.

Be careful, because the Australian Shepherd is a sensitive dog that violence can quickly reverse. Be patient with him and never speak against him. Promotion of so-called positive education: reward always takes precedence over punishment. In its beautiful appearance, the Australian Shepherd also retains a strong character. Establish yourself as a pack leader from the beginning. 

Nutrition: feed your Australian Shepherd well

The diet of the Australian Shepherd has an obvious impact on his health. High-quality food will inevitably be more advantageous in the long run than cheap food bought in supermarkets.

The Australian Shepherd spends a lot, and his diet must be able to support him in his efforts. Choose foods rich in animal protein - remember that dogs are opportunistic carnivores!

There are different types of dog food (croquettes, pies, home cooking, BARF diet). They all have advantages and disadvantages. However, croquettes are the preferred diet, popular among professionals and individuals. The daily amount of croquettes for your dog is between 270 and 400 grams, depending on your health, but also calorie consumption.

Care and hygiene of the Australian Shepherd

Purchase price Of An Australian Shepherd: between 700 and 1500 euros

  • Vaccines: between 100 and 200 euros per year
  • Nutrition: from 50 euros per month for a high-quality diet
  • Monthly Budget: between 50 and 70 euros

Like all dogs, the Australian Shepherd needs maintenance. His coat must be brushed at least twice a week. During the moulting period (in spring and autumn) this dog loses its hair in abundance. To avoid the accumulation of dead hair, brush it daily with a suitable brush. The fur of the Australian Shepherd does not need to be washed regularly. One or two baths a year are more than enough, combined with regular brushing.

Also be sure to inspect his ears, especially after every walk in the forest or in the countryside. The soft ears of the Australian Shepherd facilitate the life of parasites that can reside there. Also, clean the ears to remove wax and avoid hearing problems. 

The teeth are an integral part of the too often neglected anatomy. Especially since the oral health has a direct influence on the general health of your dog. Teach your Australian Shepherd puppy to accept the toothbrush from an early age and brush your teeth regularly. You can also use rubbery bones to get rid of tartar.

Also, don't forget to cut the nails of your Australian Shepherd. If you are afraid to do it yourself, you can ask your veterinarian to do it for you.


Rest is important for a dog, and especially for the Australian Shepherd, whose spending needs are enormous. So you need to be able to guarantee your dog a good sleep. In Australian Shepherd puppies, this parameter is all the more important because rest is synonymous with good growth.

The Australian Shepherd is quite capable of sleeping outdoors, provided, of course, that he has a kennel suitable for his needs. Inside, the sleeping area must also meet certain criteria (rest, cleanliness, etc.). Choosing a basket is therefore important to avoid the inconvenience of any kind. For do not forget: dog that does not sleep = master, who also does not sleep!

Set up well-defined rituals and don't give in to the mermaids by letting your dog sleep with them. Once he gets into his new home, they teach their baby Australian Shepherd to sleep alone so as not to encourage the development of too much dependence on them. Arm yourself with patience and willpower, and your dog will quickly understand what you expect from him, thanks to his great character and great intelligence.

Games and physical activities for the Australian Shepherd

The Australian shepherd is full of energy. He has to practice being good in his body and in his head, and an inactive Australian Shepherd is an Australian shepherd who will eventually fade over time and develop problematic or aggressive behavior.

Equipped with a safe endurance and versatility, this dog can run for hours in the great outdoors. It is therefore ideal for sports champions who also like to run. Australian Shepherds are also great for dog activities and are particularly agile. Very intelligent, the Australian Shepherd can also participate in tracking activities or puzzles.

Remember that the Australian Shepherd cannot be idle. This working dog needs physical activity and regular movements to feel useful and enjoy a good mental balance. Opt for long walks, ideally in the forest or in the countryside.

Insurance: protect your Australian Shepherd

If you take out insurance for your Australian Shepherd, you can get to safety in the event of a problem. Even if your dog is obedient and gentle by nature, an accident can happen quickly and you would be held responsible for any damage or damage.

Likewise, mutual insurance is not a negligible option. The health of your Australian Shepherd is unfortunately not infallible, and the breed is known to be affected by problems, some of them very seriously. In France, there is no law regulating veterinary costs, and bills can rise to several hundred thousand euros. Thanks to health insurance, you can cope with unforeseen expenses more easily and take care of your Australian Shepherd.

Physical characteristics of the Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd is a medium to large dog. The male is usually slightly larger than the females: between 51 and 58 cm at the withers for males, and between 46 and 53 cm at the withers with the females. Its weight also varies according to the sex of the animal: 25 to 34 kg for the males and 19 to 26 kg for the females. The Australian Shepherd is medium-sized and has a developed musculature, paired with great lightness.

It belongs to FCI group 1: Sheepdogs and sheepdogs (except Swiss Sheepdogs). We find him in section 1 of this group, as a shepherd.

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