Guaranteed Ways to Teach Your Dog to Attack On Command in 2023

how to teach your dog to attack

9 guaranteed ways to teach your dog to attack on command in 2023

Do you want to teach your watchdog to be aggressive and stick to your signal? If SO, here are 9 guaranteed ways to teach your dog to attack on command? The dog is very good as a pet. But in addition to keeping them as pets, most of us really want more from our dogs. Don't you agree?

Well, let me ask you this question: suppose a thief silently enters your house at night and takes away valuables. And later you found out that your dog noticed the thief, but only kept silent. How would you feel? Wouldn't you be mad at the dog? Wouldn't you call it a useless toy and a burden? I'm sure you would.

But the truth is that most of us keep dogs as pets rather than as guard dogs or guard dogs. But it is unfair to expect them to act in this capacity whenever the need arises. My friend, your dog will never be a good guardian if you do not teach him to become. Even if your race has innate guard skills, you will still have to train it well, so that it obeys your orders.

In this article I will share with you some useful tips on how to train your dog to attack on command. Of course, your dog can be aggressive in nature. But I am sure you will not like it if your dog attacks those who are not unwanted in your house or ignores your commands. You'll love it when you ask your dog to chase the intruder and she will immediately, won't she? Then follow these steps and you will get the desired result:

How to Accustom Your Dog to Attack on Command in 2022

1. Wear a protective glove that covers not only the hand, but the entire hand. This is a necessary precaution to prevent injury.

2. Sit your dog down. If you have not taught him simple commands such as" come"," sit"," Stop"," Run "and" Stop", you must first teach them before forming the "Attack" command.

3. After sitting the dog, stroke it on the muzzle with a glove on the hand. This is a way to irritate the dog and test his patience. Keep doing this until your angry dog jumps on the glove. (Now you understand why you should wear a long glove on your hand?)

4. As soon as the dog sticks the glove, say the word “attack” out loud. You do this because you want your dog to understand what the word “attack" really means.

5. Verbally praise the dog or show him that you are satisfied. While it may not be necessary, reward your dog by giving him cookies or other treats. But if your dog is often motivated by food and learns faster with delicacies, then you should offer him a little.

6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 until your dog understands what the word “attack" means. You will know this if your dog reacts quickly to the "attack" command by attacking your gloved hand as soon as he hears the command.

7. Stay a short distance from your dog and give the order to "attack". See how he reacts. If not, repeat steps 3 to 5 several times. But if he attacks, it shows that he is familiar with the team.

8. Take a break to reward the dog again for understanding your command.

9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 five to seven times. This is done to make sure that your dog has really mastered the command.

10. Now it's time to show the dog how to attack the intruder (otherwise, every time you say "attack”, he will look for your hand). Take a very large doll or make a caricature of a person and place it at a distance. Then he points to the " fake "intruder and shouts "attack". Although your dog may try to approach you at first, it will go in the direction indicated as soon as it sees the finger.

11. Reward your dog with treats or in another way.

Repeat step 10 by placing your fake intruder in different places and pointing to him every time you order your dog. Repeat this until you are sure that your dog has mastered the command and that he no longer lingers on your hand.

12. Ask someone to behave like an intruder (use someone whose dog's face is unfamiliar). Tell the person to stand at the front door and be ready to close the door in case the dog ignores the stop command.

13. Point to the"intruder" and order your dog to attack. If he runs towards the intruder, then he has received your message.

14. Repeat step 13, but as the dog is moving towards the intruder, shout the word" Stop " to see if it obeys. If you have familiarized him with the "Stop" command, he must stop immediately. This step is very necessary because it teaches your dog that sometimes you may want to prevent him from attacking an intruder after giving the initial command.

In conclusion, I assume that with these steps you will manage to turn your dog from a simple pet into a disinterested watchdog that attacks only when you want.

How to train a guard dog

A watchdog, or watchdog, is trained to protect your property and family. Contrary to what you might think, most guard dogs are not trained to attack. They are likely trained in non-confrontational techniques such as guarding and how to use their barking to alert you to a stranger or potential danger on your territory. Training your dog to be a guard dog will take time and patience, but you will get a dog that will not only protect you from the threat, but will feel comfortable and behave well in non-threatening situations.



Get ready to train your dog to be a guard dog

Training a Guard Dog Step 1

Understand the difference between a guard dog and an attack dog. A guard dog is trained to warn its owner of the presence of a stranger or intruder by barking or growling. Guard dogs are usually not trained to attack on command or to behave too aggressively towards a stranger. Therefore, guard dogs, as a rule, are not very good attack dogs.

Service dogs are often used by police and law enforcement agencies. They are trained to attack on command and react aggressively to potential threats or intruders.

Most attack dogs are well trained and do not behave aggressively unless ordered by the owner. However, poorly trained attack dogs can attack without warning and pose a serious danger to humans and other animals.

The average owner probably does not need an attacking dog.

Training a Guard Dog Step 2

Determine if your dog's breed is a typical guard dog breed. Although most dogs can be trained to be guard dogs, it is known that some dog breeds produce good guard dogs. For example, small breeds such as Cho Cho-cho Cho Large breeds such as Doberman Pinscher, German shepherd and Akita are also excellent guard dogs.

Some breeds, such as German shepherds and Doberman pinschers, can be trained as both guard dogs and attack dogs.

If you have a purebred dog that is not a typical guard dog breed, or if you have a guard dog, you can always train it to be an excellent guard dog. If it has the behavioral characteristics of a guard dog and is properly trained and socialized, then you could train it to protect and protect yourself.

Training a Guard Dog Step 3

Discover the personality traits of a perfect guard dog. Contrary to popular belief, a good watchdog should not react out of fear or pure aggression. As a rule, a good watchdog should be territorial and protect his master and property, while remaining obedient to the orders of his master.

A good watchdog must have confidence in himself and his environment. A confident dog shows curiosity about a new person or terrain and is not shy about new people. Perhaps your dog already has this trait by nature, but proper socialization can also give the dog confidence.

A good watchdog is also assertive. This does not necessarily mean that he is too aggressive or assertive. On the contrary, it means that it is comfortable to put himself in a position that will allow him to achieve what he wants. It also means that he will confidently approach a new situation or a new person rather than go back.[4]

Sociability is another important characteristic of a good guard dog. A well-socialized guard dog will be able to recognize a stranger in the presence of his master and treat him with caution, but he will not be attacked or become too aggressive towards this stranger.[5]

Good guard dogs should also be easy to train.[6] Cho Cho-cho Cho can become good watchdogs because they are naturally suspicious of strangers, but tend to be very independent and difficult to train.[7]

Faithful dogs are excellent guard dogs. The more loyal your dog is to you, the more likely it is to want to protect you. German shepherds are known to be a very devoted breed.[8]

Training a guard dog step 4

Communicate with your dog as a puppy. Good socialization is necessary to teach your dog to be a good guard dog. When your dog is well socialized, he will feel comfortable in his usual environment. It will also be less fearful and more relaxed - important characteristics of a good watchdog - but will always maintain a good dose of suspicion towards unfamiliar and potentially dangerous situations.[9] The best time to socialize a puppy is when it is between three and twelve weeks old.[10]

After the age of twelve weeks, puppies become more and more cautious in new situations and therefore become much more difficult to socialize.

During the period of socialization, you need to accustom your puppy to meet new people and interact in a new environment. Socializing your puppy can prove to be a huge task, so it may be easier to divide the socialization into small pieces and, over time, expose him to situations at his comfortable level.

Encourage your puppy with lots of positive reinforcement (such as petting, treats, playtime andtra

Classes with puppies are a great way to socialize your puppy. Keep in mind that your puppy needs to be aware of his vaccinations and deworming to keep him healthy and disease-free throughout the training program.

If your dog is an adult and you have already trained and socialized him, then he should be on the right track to becoming a good guard dog.

Training a Guard Dog Step 5

Make sure your dog can perform basic obedience commands. Before you start training a guard dog, your dog should already be able to obey basic commands such as "standing”, "sitting” and "lying down”. Possessing these basic obedience skills ensures that your dog is able to master defensive techniques such as preventive barking and guarding.

You can teach your dog these commands yourself. In addition, you can enroll your dog in obedience training courses.


If you want to turn your guard dog into an attacker, sign him up for intensive training with a professional cynologist. It is better to entrust the correct training of the dog in the technique of attack to professionals, because you do not want to train the dog incorrectly and end up with an overly aggressive dog. Search for a professional dog trainer online or contact your veterinarian for training advice.

Put a sign "Beware of dogs" on your territory. This scares off strangers or intruders. Make sure your sign is large enough so that passers-by can see it clearly.

A good training method for tempering and socializing your dogs is to fill a plastic Easter egg with dog food and ask your dog and other dogs to try to pick it up and feed it.

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