What to do if your pet is tested positive for the virus that causes COVID-19
What you need to know
If your pet has a positive test for the COVID-19 virus, isolate it from everyone, including other pets.
Do not wipe the surface, or bathe your pet with chemical disinfectants, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or other products, such as disinfectant wipes against cleaning or other cleaning agents, industrial surface moist.
Only a few pets have been confirmed to be infected with THE covid-19 virus. Some animals had no signs of disease, but those who got sick all had a mild disease that could be treated at home. No one died of the infection.
If you think your pet has COVID-19, first call a veterinarian to discuss what you should do.
Pets with a confirmed viral infection causing COVID-19 should be confined to isolation at home until a veterinarian or health officer has determined that they may be around other pets and people.
We always learn how the virus that causes COVID-19 can affect animals. A small number of pets (dogs and cats) have been confirmed infected with the virus responsible for COVID-19, especially after contact with an infected person from COVID-19. Some animals had no signs of disease, but those who became ill all had a mild disease that could be treated at home. None of the animals died. The tests for COVID-19 in animals are for most types of pets, but the tests are not recommended for animals that have symptoms of COVID-19 and that have been exposed to a person with COVID-19.
Based on the currently limited information, the risk of pets passing on COVID-19 to humans is considered low. There is no reason to give up or hand over pets that have been confirmed positive for the virus that causes COVID-19.
If you are suffering from COVID-19, do not take your pet to the veterinary clinic yourself. First, call your veterinarian and tell him that you are sick with COVID-19. Some veterinarians may offer telemedical consultations or other plans to see sick animals. Your veterinarian can evaluate your pet and decide the right steps for caring for your pet.
If your pet is tested for COVID-19 and it is confirmed that it is infected
Depending on your pet's illness, your veterinarian may recommend that your pet be isolated at home instead of staying in hospital. Some animals had no signs of disease, but those who got sick all had a mild disease that could be treated at home.
If your veterinarian recommends home isolation and you are able to take care of your pet at home, follow these tips to protect yourself and others.
What to do if your pet gets sick?
Keep your pet at home, except to get medical care
Talk to your veterinarian regularly. Call before you take your pet to the veterinary clinic. Be sure to alert your veterinarian if your pet has difficulty breathing, or if you think it is an emergency.
While most animals show only mild symptoms or no symptoms, we are still learning how they are affected by the virus. Even if your pet seems to be feeling better, avoid the following activities until your veterinarian determines that it is safe for your pet to do so, or that your pet has complied with the guidelines to end the isolation:
Visits to animal clinics without first calling the veterinarian
Visits to health facilities or schools
Visits to parks (including dog parks), markets or other events such as festivals
Visits to the groomer, including mobile Grooming salons
Visits to shelters or boarding facilities
Other excursions, such as games, hikes, or visits to other houses, with or without Pets
Use dog walkers or keepers who live outside your home
Separate your pet from other people and pets in your home
If possible, ask the animal to stay in a certain "sick room" (such as a laundry room or an additional bathroom) or to be otherwise separate from persons and other animals. It is the same way that a person with COVID-19 would separate from other members of their household.
Avoid contact with the animal as much as possible, including, stroking, cuddling, being kissed or licked, and sharing food or bedding.
If possible, you should provide a separate litter or bathroom from other pets.
DOGS: if you have a private garden where your dog can go to the bathroom, do not take them with you. If you need to walk your dog, limit it only to bathroom breaks, stay close to your home and keep your pet at least 6 feet away from other animals and people. Don't let other people touch you or interact with your dog.
CATS: Cats must be kept indoors. Do not let cats that have tested positive for the virus that causes COVID-19 wander outside.
CLEANING: there is no evidence that waste from infected animals requires additional disinfection. Wear gloves when cleaning your pet, and pet feces or waste from the litter in a sealed bag before disposing of them. Always wash your hands with soap and water immediately after cleaning your pet.
Provide bedding, bowls or containers, treats, and toys that are different from those used by other people or pets in the household.
Disinfect bowls, toys, and other animal care items with an external disinfectant symbol registered by the EPO, then rinse thoroughly with clean water.
Soft items such as towels, blankets, and other bedding can be safely washed and reused. Dirty laundry that has come into contact with a sick animal can be washed with other elements.
Pay attention to the symptoms of your pet
It is important to keep track of your pet's symptoms during isolation at home. If you think that your pet has new symptoms or is getting worse, contact your veterinarian.
Sick animals with COVID-19 may have:
- Fever
- Cough
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- Lethargy (unusual laziness or lethargy)
- Sneeze
- Runny nose
- The flow of the eye
- Vomiting
- Cause diarrhea
Follow all care instructions of your veterinarian. Your veterinarian may ask you to keep a written diary of your pet's symptoms.
If your pet develops new symptoms or appears to worsen, including respiratory disease, you should call your veterinarian immediately. Your veterinarian can advise you by phone or tell you to take your pet to your clinic or go to another clinic that can take better care of your pet.
Protect yourself when you take care of a sick animal
Follow the same recommended precautions as for people taking care of an infected person at home.
If you have a higher risk of severe COVID-19 disease, another household member should take care of the animal if possible.
People should wear a mask and gloves in the same room or area as the sick animal.
Animals are not allowed to wear a mask. Do not try to put a mask on your pet.
Use gloves when handling dishes, toys or bedding of the animal and when collecting feces (poop). Dispose of the gloves and put the waste or waste from the trash can in a sealed bag before throwing it into a trash can lined with a garbage bag. Always wash your hands with soap and water immediately after cleaning your pet.
Clean your hands regularly throughout the day.
Wash your hands: Often wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds Make sure everyone does the same at home, especially after touching the sick animal or manipulating its dishes, toys or bedding.
Hand sanitizer: If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. Cover all the surfaces of your hands and rub them together until dry.
Do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Cleaning and disinfecting:
Follow the cleaning and disinfection recommendations in the CDC Cleaning and Disinfection document
Do not wipe the surface, or bathe your pet with chemical disinfectants, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or other products, such as disinfectant wipes against cleaning or other cleaning agents, industrial surface moist. There is no evidence that viruses, including the virus that causes COVID-19, can spread from the skin, fur or hair of pets to humans or other animals. The use of chemical disinfectants at your pet, could make it very sick or kill it. Talk to your veterinarian if you have any questions about suitable products for bathing or cleaning your pet.
If it is safe for your pet to be with others: end the isolation from home
Follow the advice of your veterinarian to find out when it is safe for your pet to be with other people and animals. Some pets may need follow-up tests to see if they are still positive for the virus that causes COVID-19. Monitoring, isolation, and movement restrictions may end for positive pets if::
The animal showed no clinical signs compatible with SARS-VOC-2 infection for at least 72 hours without medical treatment;
AND one of the following conditions:
It was at least 14 days since their last positive test from a laboratory that used a validated SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR diagnostic test;
All types of samples taken during post-mortem examination are negative by PCR RT-validated diagnostic analysis of SARS-VOC - 2.